In the interest of saving everyone money, one of our friends moved into the basement yesterday, so we had to do a number of things to prepare for the move.
The first included cleaning out what we previously dubbed "The Junk Room," which now is the craft room/guest room. We had been in the (slow) process of doing this over the past couple of months, anyway, but since we had to move our guest room this became our top priority since we now needed to fit a queen bed in there. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how its turning out :) Especially since it's going to be mainly my space, which will be nice since I don't really have a space of my own here.
So, after everything was out of the basement, it made sense to paint the main room. With unpainted wall repairs and holes in the walls that desperately needed repairs, the walls looked HORRIBLE! Furthermore, since Brian wants to get the house appraised soon so that he can possibly get rid of mortgage insurance and refinance, we definitely need to work on making this place look as well-kept as possible... and it took me a while (and reading a couple articles on home appraisals) to convince Brian that this wasn't "putting lipstick on a pig."
There are grand plans of renovating this house in the future, but a lot of that is contingent upon getting rid of mortgage insurance/decreasing mortgage payments, so while whatever we paint may end up getting "blown up" sometime in the near future, I think that putting the time to do small, relatively inexpensive projects that result in the highest appraisal possible (and increasing Brian's equity) is probably in his best interest... so I foresee lots of home improvement projects over the next few months!
As for the craft room and basement, I have pictures on the camera, but they haven't made their way to my computer yet, but soon... so, we chose a nice green for the basement. It scared us a little bit due to the sheer brightness, but since furniture has gone down there it looks A TON better.
For the most part, the room remained a "cat free zone" until we finished, but that didn't mean they weren't allowed to come and visit on occasion. Hanklin was super interested in the process, getting up and sniffing the paint after the cutting in had dried. I caught a few pictures on my phone, but since the basement is pretty dark they didn't turn out the best...
Meanwhile, Steven decided that doing the investigation wasn't so much his thing, but rather he is more the "supervisor" type. Sit back, watch his people to make sure they aren't doing anything too crazy, and enjoy the show. That's typically how it works.
But, we love our mrowers and their weird little antics. It will be interesting to see how they fare with the new addition to the household, and whether they decide to claw up her furniture... in which case there will further restrictions placed upon them. Oh kittens, how we love you...